What are the challenges of hazardous waste disposal?

Hazardous waste management (UK & worldwide) can present a serious problem to companies that create the waste. This is why most companies subcontract the work to professionals who possess the necessary equipment, machinery, and trained staff to tackle the problem. Discover more?

As a result, hazardous waste disposal and collection are necessary. Some industries generate hazardous waste, like oil and gasoline, but also the chemical sector. This waste must all be dealt with properly and in a safe manner.

Those industries who are susceptible to hazardous waste spills due to unplanned accidents need specialists on-call 24 hours a days, 365 day per year. These companies must respond to the issue in a responsible and timely manner.

First of all, it is necessary to collect the most hazardous waste. The hazardous waste collected can be temporarily stored on-site in receiving vessels, before it is transferred to specialist storage. These facilities usually can accept large amounts and even separate the waste when required. Some of the hazardous wastes that are collected by the oil industry include drilling mud, cuttings, and oily waters. Oily Water can be separated to oil and water. Different methods are used to separate the two components. Also, oil-contaminated soil must be handled properly.

These companies must be licensed and have the facilities necessary to transport and treat hazardous waste. Also, they must have the right personnel with training and experience to do any necessary collection, cleaning, and disposal. Currently, in order to operate in the UK, any company that produces hazardous or contaminated waste in excess 500 litres or kilograms is required by law to register. It is also necessary to engage the services on a contracted basis of an experienced waste disposal professional.

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